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Days 16-30 Keep going! Label your poem for a day

16. Make a list of ten images of things you have seen in the last 24 hours. Use all of them in a poem. 17. Write a poem that includes these words: bamboozled, bloodlust, bibliography. Have the title include one of these words: contradiction, constellation, cranberry. 18. Write a poem about something small that is only 5 lines long. 19. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you. If the sounds are peaceful, write a poem with a violent word as the title. If the sounds are loud, write a poem with a kind word as the title. 20. Remove your shoes. Write a poem that celebrates your feet. 21. Write a poem with the opposite hand that you write with or if you type your poems on the computer, use only one hand to type. 22. Write a poem that only had five syllables in each line. Give the poem a long title. 23. Write a poem where the last word of the first line begins with the first letter of your name, and the last word of the second line begins with the second letter of your n
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Days 11-15

11. Write a poem that begins with the last thing you can remember someone saying to you today or yesterday. See if you can use that line two or three times. 12. Turn on the radio to any channel. Write a poem inspired by the first thing you hear (lyrics to a song, a commercial, etc.) 13. Run around your house and grab 5 items that all begin with the same letter. Write a poem as an ode to one of these items or that includes these items. 14. Think of the nicest thing someone ever said to you. Write a poem about a rainy day and something flooding. End the poem with the good thing someone said. 15. Write a poem that describes the wallpaper on your computer or the image on the last postcard you received.

New poetry prompts for April 4-10

4. Make a list of seven words that have the same vowel sounds (like bee, treat, pepperoni, eagle) and use them in a repetitive way throughout a poem. 5. Write a poem about a weird fact or several odd facts that you know. 6. Write a poem in two sections about two completely different things. Have the title link both items today in a surprising way. 7. Find a favorite recipe. Now write a poem inspired or in the style of that recipe about a family secret—yours or someone else’s. 8. Turn your paper so that it’s in the landscape position. Write a poem about God or the universe or the horizon of the ocean with longer lines and see what happens. 9. Write a poem to your favorite letter of the alphabet. 10. Write a seven-line poem about one of the 7 Sins that only contains seven words in each of the lines.

Sunday, April 2, and Monday, April 3

2. Write about a poem about a superhero coming to your house and confronting you about something. Somewhere in the poem, you have to state what your superpower is. 3. Write a poem that is really a love letter to an old flame. To make sure it’s doesn’t slip into sappy, make sure one or more of these words are in the poem: dung beetle, politician, nuclear, exoskeleton, oceanography, pompadour, toilet.

1st Prompt

April 1 1. Grab the closest book.  Go to page 29. Write down 10 words that catch your eye.  Use 7 of the 10 words in a poem.  For extra credit, have 4 appear at the end of a line. POST! NAME YOUR BOOK and POST YOUR POEM.